Friday, December 28, 2012

6 dangerous places to uses laptop! !

Hi all, This is me want share about 6 dangerous places to uses laptop. To watch over so that laptop durable friends and Durable, Koid to use it in to 6 locations hereunder. Cekidot! !

1. Bed
Keep laptop in place soft like bed, Can clog ventilation's hole at part under laptop and Retard to enter it 's air good for cool temperature laptop.

So that durable, Use special covering laptop, Table,  or At least, Book with hardcover to overlay part under laptop you. The kernel, Laptop need flat surface to watches over asupan air and Temperature's stability in it.

 2. At elbow animal
Keep laptop at elbow animal dangerous, Even less let your pet's animal sleeps at on it. Fall of 's animal's plume can beterbangan enter and Clog ventilation's hole at part under laptop. The result, Cooling system even also disturbed and Can causes overheating.

3. Floor
Bonchalant as clean as whatever your room, Put laptop at floor is a big no. You not ever know how many dusts's similar cute particles at floor that can stoppage come into ventilation's hole laptop. Put laptop in place enough tall from floor's surface, Like table or Chair with covering laptop mate or Cooling fan.
4. Wet place
Don't tries to use laptop while drink, Even less then keep drink beside laptop. Water's drop from drink can evoke fatal damage and Konsleting in laptop you, Particularly if spilled the drink.

 5. Toilet

You too busy up to must do your job up to to toilet? Or you are internet's maniac and Online game,  or Just not want to die bored moment pass? Pass while read magazine really hackneyed, But doesn't mean you allow laptop kesayangan you kecipratan water and Die burnt, Kan?

6. At elbow ashtray
Well, More precisely, Koid to use laptop while smoke. Smoke and Ash can clog fan in ventilation's hole laptop. Cigarette's smoke that blowed up at laptop can causes keyboard become yellow. Put ashtray beside laptop also dangerous, Because ash aeolian can clog ventilation and Make performance laptop you are to decreased.

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