Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Quite often a lot of teens who obsess want to have a slim body but in the wrong way, but they are still in the growth stage. To note the ways the right diet for teenagers.

Teens need a lot of energy and stamina in order to keep him active activity. But unfortunately, more and more teenagers are obese due to lack of healthy eating and physical activity.

Most of them want to lose weight quickly through strict diet and hard exercise, it certainly can affect growth and development. These weight loss tips are appropriate for adolescents, that is:

1. Controlling the habit
Teens often forget good habits and replace them with new patterns that are thought to lose weight, such as skipping meals, consumption of sports drinks, allowing the body fasting for long and too hard to exercise.

For that parents need to control the custom of youth by ensuring adequate food intake regularly, drink lots of water and avoid sugary drinks, soda or other unhealthy snacks.

2. Make it a habit to read food labels
Teens can control your calorie intake with simple habit of reading food labels, so as to avoid foods that contain empty calories without nutrients. Health experts say teens should consume about 2,000 calories per day, and avoid foods that are baked, fried and full cream milk diet.

3. Drinking enough water
Water is fluid enough to be consumed by the body to work optimally. Besides drinking enough water helped remove all toxins from the body and increases the rate of metabolism. Ultimately, this increases metabolism helping weight loss process.

4. Do not forget breakfast
Breakfast is an important part because it increases the metabolic rate and make someone stay active throughout the day. Studies show people who eat breakfast will be more weight loss than those who did not. Try to eat fiber and protein, such as cereals, milk, eggs and sandwiches with whole wheat bread.

5. Controlling portion sizes
The last step to achieve healthy eating is portion control eating, because eating portion control also helped to limit the intake of calories in so it does not become excessive and accumulate fat.

6. Get used to eating at home
Teens tend to prefer eating out which raises the possibility intake more calories. So try to eat at home more often and limit dining out so that a controlled calorie intake, then look at the difference in a few days.

7. Sport
Experts suggest doing 1 hour of physical activity everyday enough to help teens achieve the desired weight. Sports that can be done such as swimming, dancing, bike, walk or run.

Should choose a sport or activity you like, and there's nothing wrong combining two or more activities and change every week to avoid monotony. Find ways to be active and moving constantly, such as dancing with friends or cleaning occasionally.

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