Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Everyone will want to always look younger. Therefore, most of the people vying to make every effort to always look young. In fact, a variety of surgical procedures were undertaken in order to appear younger. However, if anyone ever thought that could stand upright in old age is also important? Imagine if your skin is still tight, but the body is hunched? Surely we will look old with the body hunched.

Good posture will further make a person look younger dibandikan with a face lift or Botox. Face lift is a plastic surgery to remove facial wrinkles, sagging skin, fat deposits, or seen other signs of aging for cosmetic purposes. Good posture can also have the benefit of maintaining bone health.

Although stooped posture may occur naturally with age. But we can prevent spinal damage often caused by osteoporosis, and to prevent damage to the bone and center. 10 tips that can keep you standing upright at any age, among others:

1. Stretching
Most people spend time hunched in front of a computer. "Stretching and increase range of motion is an important thing," said Jonathan F. Bean, MD, MS, MPH, an assistant professor in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
To keep your body limber, try to get up for a few minutes every half hour and do stretching, walking, or just standing.

2. Doing light exercise

Try this exercise: Every morning and evening, lying on the floor and doing relaxation by putting both hands as if wrapped around the head for 2 or 3 minutes.

For additional exercise, place a rolled towel on the floor, which is just below the spine, then stretch. "But this stretch slowly and stop if you feel discomfort or pain," said Dr. Bean. "If you want to complete this exercise, make sure that it is getting flexibility first," added Dr. Bean.

3. Sitting straight
"When you have to work by sitting in a chair, sit down, with posture erect and straight is a good habit," said Rebecca Seguin, PhD, an expert physiologist and nutritionist in Seattle.
"This is to do with getting used to, disciplinary exercises that focus on body awareness, such as Pilates and yoga, can help the body to stay sitting straight," added Seguin. Make sure your workplace is conditioned to be able to do proper posture.

4. Strengthening the muscles
Pilates and yoga are a great way to build muscle strength, muscles of the abdomen, and pelvic region. These muscles form the basis of good posture and strong muscles can have other benefits, namely to prevent urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. A strong muscles can even make sex more pleasurable. [/ FONT]

5. Perform Yoga
Besides helping to increase body awareness and muscle strength, according to Dr. Bean yoga is also a great way to build and maintain the flexibility and strengthen the muscles throughout the body.
Start practicing yoga gradually and observe the response of the body. Make sure the yoga teacher to understand your needs and abilities. Hatha or restorative yoga is a good exercise to start training for a beginner.

6. Strengthen spine
After menopause, the muscles around the spine of women may have weakened more severely than men. Specific exercises for the back extensor muscles, neck flexors, pelvic muscles, and the muscle side is an important exercise.
Coaches can help, there are even special tools for special training of these muscles. According to Dr. Bean, durability spine and trunk muscles are also important. That's what makes the body can still stand upright without feeling the pain. [/ FONT]

7. Lifting weights
Vertebral compression fractures can reduce the height and is a hallmark of aging. It is caused by the resulting thinning disease osteoporosis bone.
Women and men can help prevent osteoporosis with some exercises, such as walking, climbing stairs, and lifting weights. "People who walk on a regular basis during their lives tend to have better bone density," said Seguin.

8. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and may also help maintain muscle. Try to get vitamin D from a healthy diet. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine stated that, most people get enough vitamin D from food and sunlight without taking supplements. The recommended dietary intake for vitamin D is 600 IU a day for women <70 years and 800 IU for women> 70 years.

9. Eating healthy foods
Of course we all know that calcium is good for bones. It is recommended that women aged 19-50 years to get 1,000 mg of calcium daily. For elderly women get 1,200 mg. But the best calcium intake is from food than supplements.
Institute of Medicine recently found that most people, except for the teenage girls, getting enough calcium from your daily food intake. In addition, research has shown that people taking calcium supplements had a higher risk of heart attack and kidney stones.
Consult with your doctor whether to take calcium supplements. In addition to vitamin D, in order to benefit others should get vitamins from natural foods compared with supplements.

10. Consider health checks
Your doctor can tell you whether to conduct a survey of bone mineral density to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis. Although Seguin said that, activities such as progressive resistance training in some cases it can stop the process pengkeroposan bones, but medications can also help. These medicines include bisphosphonates such as Boniva, Reclast, and Fosamax.
Although safe, these medicines may increase the risk of fracture or other problems, but rare. Hormones in the form of medicine can help build bone density include Evista (raloxifene), calcitonin, and parathyroid hormone

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