Sunday, January 6, 2013


Complaints Regarding Stomach Could Be Seriously Ill Omens
Most important human organ located in the chest cavity and abdomen. Therefore do not be mistaken for just about ulcer stomach problems, colds, and other little things. Many serious diseases that can be detected from the stomach.

Various complaints that appear in the abdomen and can be a sign of serious illness are as follows,

1. Difficult Chapter
Be careful if you are having trouble BAB (bowel movements) or constipation, especially prolonged or chronic. Research at the University of chronic constipation sufferers Newcastlemenunjukkan 1.78 times greater risk of developing colorectal cancer and 2.7 times more vulnerable benign neoplasms.

2. Diarrhea or diarrhea
Often diarrhea is not considered a disease but a natural mechanism to remove objects that are not needed or even harmful to the body. However, if continuous, diarrhea needs to watch out because it can cause death from dehydration. Similarly, diarrhea that does not heal can sometimes be symptoms of infection with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

3. Hard to swallow
There are many conditions that trigger painful swallow around the esophagus. Sore throat is one of the most common triggers, but these complaints are often triggered by a disease such as cancer in the thyroid gland that is located in the neck.

4. Catch a cold
Besides bloating aches, colds complaints sometimes accompanied by breathlessness and chest pain that is hard to distinguish the symptoms of heart disease. The term entered the wind itself is not known in the medical world, but many cases of heart attacks originated from complaints such as colds.

5. Distended
Obesity concentrated in one area, in particular the stomach are the main symptoms of metabolic syndrome and fatty liver. Conditions that make it risky belly bulge look penyak trigger various chronic diseases such as diabetes to heart attacks.

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